Travel and Run at the Sand Dunes of La Paz
While most of us were running the New Balance Power Race last November 29, Rene aka Jazzrunner and three other runners were in Laoag for the Run Ahead, Raising the Roof Race. Looks like these guys had a great time in Laoag with all the travel and test runs that they did. Day one starts with a run at the sand dunes in La Paz.

After a hearty lunch of famous Ilocano dishes with Faivo, we were brought to the Sand Dunes of La Paz, Desert of the North, as it is called which is about 6kms away from Laoag City proper. We were immediately struck by the uniqueness of the place. The approach to the sand dunes may seem ordinary, with rolling hills, the rustic scenery of thatched nipa huts and grazing goats which seem to look bothered with our presence. However, getting into the inner sanctum of the place, you immediately notice the mounds of sand dunes with heights ranging from 15 to 40 meters and get a panoramic view of the South China Sea a kilometer beyond.
Read more of the run at Jazzrunner’s Website.