My 2011 Runner’s Wish List #2: Huarache

The barefoot revolution is taking the world of running, jogging and walking upside down.  What makes it exciting is the innovation that comes with it.  New running shoe designs.  New running techniques.  New running books to read.  I am a happy owner of two barefoot shoes from Vivo Barefoot and Vibram Five Fingers.  But here is the shoe that probably started it all — the Huaraches.

Huaraches from barefoot ted

Photo from Barefoot Ted who was been making huaraches since 2006.

A huarache are the Mexican sandals that traditionally is made from a leather weave and a recycled tire sole.  It's still worn by the  Tarahumara Indians in Mexico who inspired Christopher McDougall in the book Born to Run.

Now the huaraches are gaining some followers in America.

I like them for their simplicy.  That's it.  Very simple shoe that I myself can make in a few minutes.  Okay, maybe it will take me hours in my first try but I can do it.  Match it with a machete and Lindsay Lohan might be running after me.  Yeah!

But I would need some major major pedicure makeover package before I wear them in public. 😛

Maybe I should try making one instead.  Or maybe organize a Make You Own Huaraches Running Clinic.  Or have a Design Your Own Huaraches Promo.  Hmmm…

What do you think?


Check promos and prices of minimalist shoes at

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