My 2011 Runner’s Wish List #3: Jogging Strollers

We will be adding a new member to the family and it’s a boy.  Quennie is expected to give birth by February or even late in January.  We started buying baby stuffs already like baby clothes and feeding bottles.  No running shoes or singlets for now.  But one of our wish list is to buy something which we can use for running – a baby stroller for running.

Last December 2009, we saw a mom running with her baby in a stroller when we were running around Singapore.  She was enjoying her run and her baby.  What a beautiful sight.

We haven’t seen baby strollers we can use for running here in the Philippines yet.  But here are some jogging strollers we found online.

A Phil & Teds Sport buggy. This is an all-terrain stroller that are just as great for a run as for a walk though the mall. It has a large canopy to protect the baby from the sun, air filled tires with quick release wheels and a wire braking mechanism.

Or how about this stroller that looks like it’s built for speed:  The Chariot Carriers CX1 Stroller.  The baby will surely be making PRs with these jogging stollers.    Vroom Vrommm…

Chariot Carriers Inc CX1 Stroller

I think Chickie Boy will love this!  I also hope this comes in adult sizes where I can fit.

See other cool jogging strollers at