2nd BR’s Barefoot and Minimalist 5K Run (Army Grandstand)

The 2nd Baldrunner’s Barefoot and Minimalist 5K Run will be held on September 10, 2011 at Philippine Army Grandstand & Parade Ground. There will be a 5 barefoot run and a 5K minimalist run events. Which runner are you?

2nd BR’s Barefoot and Minimalist 5K Run
Philippine Army Grandstand & Parade Ground
September 10, 2011, 4:00 pm


5K Barefoot Run
5K Minimalist Run

The Minimalist 5K Run will start first with a cut-off time of 35 minutes.

The Barefoot 5K Run will follow immediately after the last minimalist runner crosses the Finish Line. Cut-off time is 40 minutes.

Minimalist shoes to be considered are: VFF, Merrell Minimalist Shoes, Tarahumara Sandals or copycats, NB Minimalist Shoes, VIVO, and other shoe brands with “zero drop” sole.

Runners have the option to register and run in both events.


Registration for each event is P 350.00. Finishers will be awarded with Commemorative T-Shirt.

On Site Registration only.

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