Running on a Foggy December Morning

I can finally feel that it’s December.  After several days of scorching heat in the afternoon, I woke up shivering at 5:00 am.  I lazily got up of the bed.  I moved very slowly so that I wont wake up Gab who sleeps besides us.  I sat for a moment and contemplate if I should go out and run or just sleep again.

I decided to run.  I got dressed and walked out of the house.  Even if I was cold, I still wore the usual thin singlets and shorts.

I immediately noticed that the sky was foggy.  An unsual sight in the city.  I often get this view when running in Baguio and Tagaytay.  I smiled and imagined that I am on vacation in these places.

My route today took me to Makati.  The skyline was changed by the fog.  There were no skyscrapers.  All the buildings were equalized by the fog that covered the building summits. All of the buildings were of the same height from where I am.  It is only when i get closer that I get to see their entire height.

The cold didn’t stop me from perspiring.  At 2km, my singlet was wet already.  It’s doesn’t feel nice.  Every time I stop for a walk, the cold breeze will pass thru my singlet and give me the chills.  I should have brought a jacket for this run.

I guess the fog is my kryptonite.  Last week, I can sustain a 6:00-6:30 min/km pace during one of my morning runs.  Today, I averaged on a pace of 7:00.  It was like the cold weather has coated my legs with ice making them difficult to move.

But running slower gave me time to see the changes in the city.  Buildings and streets are filled with Christmas decors. Fog on the glass window of cars and buses.  Men and women wearing jackets.

I saw a few runners today.  Maybe they are still recovering from the marathon yesterday.  Or decided to extend their sleep.

I ran 7.5 kms.  The longest run I had since November.  Geez…  I hope to run a 15K before the year ends.  That will be a great distance to cap the year.