Takbo.ph Picks – Top Three Commercials On Running

I love watching commercials. I love how the people behind these commercials pour out their creativity to eventually win the pockets of the consumers. The result is a classic. They make you laugh, inspire, and motivated. A short video that will play over and over your head until you get convinced to buy the product.

Here are my top three commercials about running. I love watching them again and again.

New Balance – Love/Hate Ménage à trois
The Love/Hate campaign of New Balance was brillant. It shows the two sides of running. The good and the bad. The stuggle and triumph. The pain and the gain. New Balance has several Love/Hate commercials and this one is my favorite. I just love anything with some French on it. Ménage à trois.

Nike Plus – Men vs Women
Nike always comes up with great commercials. Great visuals. Pumping soundtrack. Watching this one makes we want to go out and run with a mission: Don’t get chicked! What makes it even cool is the star-studded cast of Sofia Boutella, Fernando Torres, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Rodger Federer, Tony Parker and Eva Longoria. Go Men Go!

Puma – One Love
This commercial by Puma is on the top of my list. Simple yet hits the right notes. If Usian Bolt will run a marathon, what will be his finish time? Or should the question be, will he ever run a marathon? This video answers that question. How I wish I could run in his country too.

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