#BeatCoachRio is about Exceeding Limitations

I posted a video showing Coach Rio dela Cruz running against a Cessna plane.  At the end of the video was a challenge to #BeatCoachRio.  Huh?  Beat a guy who can race against a plane?  Beat a guy who was a 3-time UAAP champion? I thought that only a few runners would take that challenge.  [Watch the video of Coach Rio vs Cessna Plane here]

But last June 5, 2011, the #BeatCoachRio event was held at the Back of Terra 28th Park inBonifacioGlobalCity, and hundreds of runners signed up and took the challenged.  Their goal was to beat Coach Rio’s recorded time of 2.3 seconds in a 20 meters dash.

The race was done with Coach Rio’s image being flashed on a LED billboard.  At the gun start, runners would race towards the other end of the billboard with an image of Coach Rio being shown running across the LED screen at the same time.  That was a cool idea so thatRioalways get a fresh set of legs with every runner who stood up to take the challenge.

Among the challengers, the top 5 runners get the chance to run against the real Coach Rio in the flesh!  Guess what?  One of them was able to exceed his athletic limitations and was able to outrun Coach Rio.

Watch the video of the #BeatCoachRio event below.

Or click this link to watch Beat Coach Rio on Youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShkRaL3t6yo

#BeatCoachRio was made possible by Safeguard Active — with 12 Hour Odor Protection.  Safeguard Active believes that runners can exceed their athletic limitations.  That’s why it was fitting to create this challenge for the runners.  It’s not everyday you get to run against a champion.  And those who took that challenge are one step closer in going beyond their limits.

#BeatCoachRio within 2.3 seconds in a 20 meter dash looks impossible for most runners.  And bad hygiene can further get you distracted in beating your personal best.  But with Safeguard Active’s 12-Hour Protection, yourself fresh, focused and free to exceed your own athletic limitations.