Congress Approves Singlet Size Law

Finally, the Congress has approved the Singlet Size Law which mandates the specific dimensions of the singlet and finisher shirts for runners.

This is an important development in ensuring the quality of running events in the country.

Currently, singlet sizes varies from different running events which has been a frustrating part of the registration and claiming process during running events.  With the Singlet Law in place, runners are now assured that what is considered a size small in one event, is also a size small in another event.

The Singlet Size Law includes the specifications that singlets should be available in both male and female sizes. Free sizes are no longer allowed. Any free size singlets will be confiscated and will face sanctions.

Singlet Template

Singlet Sizes Law also dictates the exact dimension of holes for the head and arms. Not just the length and width.

It is also mandatory to include the Philippine flag on the upper portion of the singlet.

Sizes that should be available according to the law are Small, Very Small (VS) , Super Small (SS), Super Duper Small (SDS), Medium, Really Medium (RM), Large, Very Large (VL), Super Large (SL), Super Duper Large (SDL) and the Godzillarge (GL).

There has been a move to include the names of the mayor and the congressman in the singlet.  However, this was violently rejected during the deliberation of the bill and was agreed to be optional instead.

ADMIN NOTE:  Happy April Fools Day! This article is just a joke so don’t believe every single word of it.  Any similarity to actual names, places, events are simply coincidental. :D


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