Petition to Ban Marathons in Manila at

We got an message in Facebook about a petition to ban marathons in Manila.  The petition states that running events are bad for the economy and for Mother Nature.  It further states that “…ito po ay nagdudulot ng TRAPIK, POLUSYON at pagbagsak ng ekonomiya ng PILIPINAS.” Thus, it must be stopped!

The petition does sound angry.  It is a common reaction from non-runners who got caught in the middle of a traffic due to diversion of roads.  I hate traffic, as well.  Thus, I would understand the rant.

Ban marathon events in Manila

But I find the reasons quite extreme.  Blaming the fall of the economy and the floods of Manila to the conduct of running events is making a mountain out of an anthill. Yes, business are effected and there will be plastic litters, but the economic downturn and the floods of Manila will still happen even without the running events.

The city officials do have controls to minimize the disruption of running events.  Previously, running events can be done on Saturdays and Sundays.  Today, races can only be done on Sundays and night runs are no longer allowed.

In the past years, running events are also not allowed in December by MMDA.

The petitions to ban running events has been going for some time now.  The latest has been the MMDA’s Memorandum Circular No. 03, series of 2015 (MC 03-2015) issued last March 31, 2015.  The memo was suspended though.

While there are pro’s and con’s to staging a marathon event, I obviously side with the runners.  In other countries and cities, marathon events are big celebrations with strong involvement from the community.  I think this is also possible for the running events in Manila.  I hope I am still running when that day comes.