Morning, Afternoon or Evening: What is the best time to run?
Posted On September 30, 2021
What is the best time to run? Morning, Afternoon or Evening? Each time of the day has its advantages and disadvantages.
Here are the Pros and Cons for Morning, Afternoon and Evening Runs.
Running in the Morning
- Perfect way to start the day.
- Healthy dose of oxygen
- Best for fat burning
- Not enough sleep
- Low energy levels
- Can feel sore all day

Running in the Afternoon
- Generally safer
- Body is at its peak
- Best for muscle building
- Good for intense runs
- Conflicts with work hours
- Too busy to run

Running in the Evening
- More energy from morning meals
- Good reflexes and alertness
- Lower risk of injury
- Can disrupt sleep
- Too exhausted to run

Whether it’s in the morning, afternoon or evening, every runner has an opinion on the perfect time of day to get their miles in. At the end of the day, the best time to run depends on you and your schedule.