Category: Training

How to Prevent and Treat Blisters Acquired from Running

Running is an amazing workout. It’s free, fun and it can help you burn a lot of calories. But when your shoes and socks rub you the wrong way, running will be less fun because you’ll get blisters. Here are some tips to prevent and treat blisters due to running....

Explosive Dumbbell Exercises for Faster Running

Running is not just about endurance. It is also about strength.  To be a faster and stronger runner, many coaches recommend that runners pick up those gym weights and do some strength training as well. According to, “using runner-specific strength exercises will increase structural fitness—or the ability of your...

How to Hydrate During a Race

Staying hydrated is very important in order to maximize your performance during the race. But what are the ways to hydrate properly? How much should you drink? Photo from Here are the hydration tips shared by Coach Andy Leuterio. Exercise steadily depletes both glycogen and fat stores, approximately 500-600...

VIDEO: How to Drink Water During a Race

Hydration is important during a race.  That is why running events will provide hydration stations for runners to give out sports drinks and water.  Volunteers or marshals will hand out drinks from a cup as runners pass by the water stations. However, getting hydration at these water stations can slow you down.  It...

How To Improve Your Running Form [Infographic]

Running is a simple action of moving your feet one after the other. But making simple changes to improve your running form can help you lessen injuries and improve your race times.  There are several running coaches, running clinics and running seminars who would teach about running. Some of them may differ...

5K Training Plan Apps for Smartphones

Need some 5K Training plans? Want to start running and finish a 5K run? There’s an app for that! Since majority of runners bring their phones when they run, there are several apps that acts like a coach to get you from zero to 5K in about 8 weeks....

Red Hot Chili Pepper: Secret to Longer Life

I mean the spice not the band. Reseachers found that people who ate spicy food one or two days a week resulted in a 10 percent reduced overall risk for death. Consuming spicy food six to seven times a week reduced the risk by 14 percent. Eating spicy food...

SOS Rehydrate, Real Hydration is Now in the Philippines

SOS Rehydrate is an advanced hydration drink for athletes is now in the Philippines. SOS is engineered with the purpose of helping athletes solve dehydration problem in order to improve overall athletic performance. It is designed to help the body absorb water up to 3 times faster than water alone. SOS provides the optimum amount...

10 Tips for a Safer Night Runs

Night runs are getting popular here in the metro. Night running require a little more planning than your average workout but with the right preparation and focus, you can make any evening workout rival its daytime counterpart. Franc Ramon, our guest writer, share some essential safety tips for running in the dark: You’re alarm...

Benefits of Steady State Cardio Workout for Runners

This is a guest post by a friend Allan Ray Enriquez, who is known as RFM in the running community. He shares with us why runners should do cross training. Read more of the Benefits of Steady State Cardio Workout for Runners: While most of us runners are used to the...