Category: Training

Quick Fix: Energizing Post-run Snack

I like pick-me-ups especially on days when my only rest is in between writing and events. Here’s a 5-ingredient recipe of a quick, energizing snack for you to try. It only takes about 5 minutes or less to make! This can also be a good post-run snack especially if...

How To Detox Without A Juicer

Juicing isn’t the only method to detoxify and cleanse your gut. Here are 3 ways to detox that’s surely inexpensive and easy to do.  You don’t even have to buy a juicer. 1. Sweat. One of the best ways to detoxify is to sweat it out. When you sweat, the body...

Blisters Prevention and Treatment

Blisters bring in the heat. A small blister can’t kill you but it really hurts a lot. Blisters happen when your shoe or your socks rub against your skin and causes friction. As a response to the friction, the body produces fluids beneath the skin where the rubbing occurs....

Runner’s Knee Prevention and Treatment

Runner’s knee is not a fun way to describe a runner. In fact, it makes every runner cringe. Runner’s knee is actually any injury in and around the front of the knees. This is also called the patellofemoral area thus also called patellafemoral pain syndrome. This injury is usually...

Ask Is it OK to run after eating?

How long should you wait to run after eating? I get scolded for this when I was young. I am often told not to run or play after a meal. I would ask why and I get various reason depending on the age of the adult.  They say I...

Shin Splints Prevention and Treatment

I often get shin splints when I overtrain.  Most especially when I increase my mileage too much too soon.  Shin splints are easy to detect and they are easy to avoid as well.  Below are some tips on how to avoid shin splits and the common treatments in case...

Plantar Fasciitis Prevention and Treatment

Plantar Fasciitis may be hard to pronounce (it’s read as “fashee-EYE-tiss”), but it is actually harder to bear. For runners with this problem, intense pain could be felt at the undersides of your feet first thing in the morning or after running. The pain could worsen throughout the day....

Iliotibial Band Syndrome or ITBS Treatment and Cure

Do you feel pain on the outer side of your knees? Tightening or swelling on your upper legs? Pain and weakness when moving your hips sideways? This might be Iliotibial band syndrome. Watch out! The Iliotibial band or ITB is a long tendon-like structure that stretches from the pelvis...

Quest Bar: I can #CheatClean Everday!

I have been munching these delicious Quest Bars for weeks. It’s healthy, delicious and guilt-free. Quest Bars are high in protien, low on carbs and junk free. It’s a clean way to cheat and makes everyday a cheat day! It’s unbelievable how something this delicious can be healthy. They...