Category: Training

Achilles Tendonitis Facts And Treatments

Achilles tendonitis may lead to a runner’s downfall. If left untreated, it could end anyone’s running career. Oh no! Achilles tendonitis is the swelling of the Achilles tendon, the largest tendon in the body. Although it can withstand great stress on the feet, over-use and over exertion can cause...

Side Stitch Prevention and Remedies

Side stitch is a show stopper.  Unlike other running problems, side stitch happens when you least expect it.  It can happen in the middle of the race and could ruin your plans for a good finish. Bummer! A side stitch is the sharp pain you feel on your sides somewhere below...

What happens if you eat too much banana?

Bananas is on top of the list in a runner’s diet.  It is a good source of both vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber.  For endurance athletes, bananas are good sources of energy and provides minerals and electrolytes needed by the body.  They tastes goo too, well, as long as they...

Ian’s Knot: World’s Fastest Shoelace Knot

The Ian Knot is the fastest way to tie your shoelaces. They are even more secure and balanced than the traditional Granny’s knot. The Ian’s Knot is atttibuted to Ian Fieggen aka Professor Shoelace. He invented the Ian’s Knot back in 1982 after having a broken shoelace. When he...


Sometimes, it is easier to learn how things should be done by seeing how things are NOT to be done.  Here’s a funny video that shows how not to run.  It features runners who are so awkward they don’t look like running at all. All of them run in such...

Tips for Beach Running

Beach Running is a different experience.  The view is exceptional and the wind is fantastic.  But the sand poses some challenges to runners which can slow you down or even cause injury.  Here are some beach running tips to have a enjoyable and injury free run. Beach Running Tips...

Ask Running Shoes for Beach Running

Here’s a good question from one of our readers.  She’ll be joining a beach run this summer and is asking what running shoes to wear for the beach.  Or is it better to run barefoot instead? “It’s my first time to run in the beach.  What do you recommend...

Five Reasons Not to Take A Selfie While Running

Selfies are trending.  And I thought they were so 2013 already.  But it looks like selfies have reached a whole new level and is even more popular in social media. However, I believe that there is one activity that doesn’t deserve a selfie — That is taking a selfie...

4 Useful Running Shoes Lacing Techniques

There are different ways to tie the shoe laces of a running shoe. These running shoes lacing techniques have specific benefits for the runner. It can improve the fit, lessen the pain and even lessen the risk of injuries. Running Warehouse has provide a great video showing how these...

Dynamic Stretches For Runners

Dynamic stretches for runners are best suited before a run or a race.  Dynamic stretches make the body flexible and more efficient, increase the range of motion, less injury-prone, and recover more quickly. Below is a video from Runner’s World showing dynamic stretches for runners.  Dynamic stretches are composed...