Video: How to Check If You Need to Change Your Running Shoes
How often should you change your shoes is a common question among runners. Many books and websites will give a range of 400-600 kilometers or sometimes more. I even keep a mileage of my shoes to see if they need to be replaced or not. However, different shoe performs...
Is it OK to run a marathon while pregnant?
Amber Miller made some headlines last week for giving birth after she completed the Chicago Marathon last October 9. She completed the marathon in about 6 hours, 25 minutes and 50 seconds. That is not her PR. She can run a marathon in 3.5 hours. Quennie completed a 16K...
Harvard unveils the Healthy Eating Plate
Experts at Harvard School of Public Health unviels the Harvard Healthy Eating Plate. It’s a modified version of the USDA’s MyPlate which was released early this year. The Health Eating Plate aims to correct the MyPlate. Experts at Harvard School of Public Health believes that the Healthy Eating...
Video: Karhu’s Intro to Forward Running
Karhu introduces Forward Running. It’s about having efficient runs and proper, dynamic running mechanics. The video from Karhu provides the elements of Forward Running. It involves arm movements, midsection posture, glutes and hamstrings, knees and quads, foot position, and ground contact. I believe that there is no one-size-fits-all running...
Survey Reveals Top Hydration Myths Of Runners
A survey conducted by a group of researchers from Loyola Univerity Health System reveals the common hydration practices by runners which are not recommended by experts. According to the researchers, these practices may lead to overconsumption of fluids which will result exercise-associated hyponatremia. It occurs when runners drink even...
Just Finished a Marathon? Then Drink Beer!
A recent study showed that beer is a good drink for recovery after running a marathon. But it is not just any beer. The beer should be nonalcoholic. According to the researchers from Technical University of Munich, a consumption of 1-1.5 liter per day of non-alcoholic beer for three...
Don’t Judge a Banana By its Cover
Do you have a preference on the variety of banana you eat for your runs? Bananas have a soft place in every runner’s heart. Much as been said about this fruit and its benefits for runners. Bananas comes in different varieties. I recall during one of our science classes...
Is Running On Soft Ground Bad For You?
A recent article at NY Times says that running on soft surfaces can be hard on the body. While many would advice to run on soft ground like asphalt or dirt roads, some runners experience pain and injury while doing so. I also have the same thought. Landing on...
Better Hydration Means Better Performance
Like many runners and athletes, I am particular with my hydration during races and during training. The longer and more strenuous my run is, the more important it is for me to drink and replenish the water lost through the sweat. And it is not just water that I...
Exercise is Good for the Brain
Exercise has a lot of benefits. We run to lose weight or reduce health risks. The book I am reading says, exercise also boost your brain power. How does exercise help boost memory and brain function. How much exercise do you need to help your memory? The book Brain...