A Gun Start PR Doesn’t Look Possible Here

We all love to chase our Personal Records (PRs) or Personal Bests (PBs).  In races, we would determine the PR either on the gun time or the chip time.  But here is a race wherein your gun start time is definitely not the best reference for your PR.  It...

A Half, A 3-Quarter and A Full Marathon

This is an insane race schedule that I am preparing for starting the end of November.  I’ll be running a half marathon, a three-quarter marathon and a full marathon.  Three distances in three different events.  I think I am ready for all three of them.  I put in the...

Watch the New York Marathon Live Video Stream in Your iPhone or iPad

This is a new milestone in marathons.  An iTunes App allows you to watch and experience the ING New York City Marathon 2010 with a live video and real-time tracking of your friends and loved ones who are joining the said event.  It can also track the leaders and...

A New Book: Chicken Soup for the Soul – Runners

I am a fan of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series since high school.  I was able to collect five of them from BookSale but they were all soaked and wet during Ondoy together with 2 boxes full of books.  I’m beefing up my book collection again which...

Little Manokan’s Gender Result Is Now Available

Is it a boy or a girl?  Many are asking.  Many are guessing.  Last Tuesday, we had a ultrasound to check for the baby’s growth.  Quennie is on her 6th month now and the baby’s gender can be determined already.  Is it a little Jinoe or a little Quennie?...

Benefits of Running Uphill and Downhill

Bring your running training program to a new level by adapting running hill training. Most runners dread hill running because it looks hard to tackle but uphill running, even downhill running, provides a lot of benefits to runners. Check out below the benefits that you can gain from hill...

How To Avoid Sudden Deaths During a Marathon

It is perplexing to know that a young, well-trained athlete could suddenly die during a marathon. Such tragic incident devastates the family and the whole community. As a matter of fact, sports itself is not a cause of enhanced mortality but it can trigger sudden death in runners with...

Product Review: Does Phiten Necklace Really Work?

This was a question at the Takbo.ph Forums.  It was a questions I asked myself too. You’d see Phiten products in most malls around the country.  The product claims to relieve fatigue by balancing the body’s signals that runs from brain to the body and thus regulating the body’s...

Running High from 0m to 300m

Last month, I was running in Iloilo.  This month, I ran in Bacolod.  This is the run I tried to prepare for.  It’s not a race but a run I’ve have been dreaming of doing for a long time.  The route is from Bacolod to Mambukal.  Since I was...