Getting Ready for Beach Running at Skyathon
It’s finally April! In a few days, we are flying to Boracay for the much awaited Skyathon 2013. If you happen to be doing a beach run in your escapade this summer, here are some tips to take note for a good running experience. Run on wet sand and...
2nd BR’s Barefoot and Minimalist 5K Run (Army Grandstand)
The 2nd Baldrunner’s Barefoot and Minimalist 5K Run will be held on September 10, 2011 at Philippine Army Grandstand & Parade Ground. There will be a 5 barefoot run and a 5K minimalist run events. Which runner are you? 2nd BR’s Barefoot and Minimalist 5K Run Philippine Army Grandstand...
An Accidental 2K Barefoot Walk
My dress shoes are not made for walking. My foot feels pain after just 10 minutes of walking with them. Yesterday, was the worst since I have to move from one place to another for a meeting. The day just started but I already ended up having blisters on...
Merrell Go Barefoot Iphone App
Merrell has released a line of barefoot running shoes last year with the Merrell Barefoot Collection. To further help the runners reap the benefits for running barefoot, Merrell introduces the Go Barefoot App which can be downloaded for free at the App Store. The Merrell Barefoot App is not...
I Had My First Blister Today
Since I started running, I never had a blister… until now. I seldom get to run nowadays because I would love to spend time with Gab. [Read about Gab vs Running]. And just this afternoon, I was able to spare 30 about minutes for a short run near our place. ...
Tips to Start Barefoot Running
Last week, I mentioned about the latest research on barefoot running. It showed how natural and habitual barefoot runners are able to land properly on their feet with the forefoot striking first on the ground and distributing the impact and weight of the body evenly across the feet. Heel...