My Running Wishlist #4: Zem Barefoot Running Shoes
A few more hours before Christmas and I writing one more wishlist. It’s another shoe designed for barefoot running: the Zem performance protection for barefeet. What I like about Zem are the colors and the unique design. This one looks more like a sock. One of their design...
Book Signing: Barefoot Running with Michael and Jessica
Quennie and I, and other Forum members, joined the 1st Annual Run Barefoot Clinic held last November 30, 2010 at R.O.X. The speakers where no other than the authors of the book Barefoot Running: Michael Sandler and Jessica Lee. The clinic was a short one but full of...
New Book on Barefoot Running: How to Run Light and Free by Getting in Touch with the Earth
Barefoot running is getting popular in the Philippines these days. In road races, you can see runners using minimalist shoes. Here’s a book you might want to check out as your guide to barefoot running from Run BARE – The America’s Largest Barefoot Running School. The book entitled “Barefoot...