Tag: Intramuros Fun Run by the Mapuans 2015 Registration

Intramuros Fun Run by the Mapuans 2015 3/9K (Manila)

6th Intramuros Fun Run by the Mapuans 2015 will be on August 9, 2015 in Intramuros, Manila. This is a fund raising project of the Mapua Institute of Technology – Chemical Engineering and Chemistry Alumni Association (MIT-Che-Chem AA) to sustain its scholarship and outreach programs. Intramuros Fun Run by the Mapuans 2015...

Intramuros Fun Run by the Mapuans 2015 3/6K (Manila)

Intramuros Fun Run by the Mapuans 2015 will be on August 9, 2015 in Intramuros, Manila. This is a fund raising project organized by the MIT Chemical Engineering and Chemistry Alumni Association (MIT ChE-Chem AA) to sustain its scholarship and outreach programs. Intramuros Fun Run by the Mapuans 2015 August 9, 2015...